Now Screening

Among the People

Synesthesia & music medicine in watercolours.

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Found archival footage reinforces the need for climate action to preserve historic communities.

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A poetic composition of an industrial port complex.

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Load Cycle

A visual trance of jungle resources moving to the mainland.

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Abound Box

A cascade of small moments that live within the margins of experience.

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A new collection that is primarily aimed at showcasing first and second-time filmmakers. Our goal is to encourage filmmakers who display ambitious, promising and unique qualities while learning their craft. Being one of their first interactions with an online platform, we hope to set a nice example and standard of personalized film discussion and promotion.

Our ‘Bourgeon’ collection is also open to student films and may even include experienced filmmakers who have received little exposure throughout their career.


A girl wakes up to a morning existential crisis.

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Coming Soon

Hommage shines a light on low-budget movies.


We promote and screen films online.

We interview all selected filmmakers.

We will feature certain filmmakers in our digital magazines - at no extra cost.

We will prepare follow-up interviews with certain filmmakers - again at no extra cost.